David Ings
Dave Ings is an advanced nurse practitioner currently working in Primary Care. He has additional qualifications acquired through the Royal College of General Practice in opiate and alcohol addictions.
These qualifications alongside his many years’ experience in both substance misuse and offender health where wellbeing and recovery were of paramount importance allow him to work at Nurse Consultant level within that field.
Dave is qualified to prescribe in both primary care and substance misuse. He has additional experience and qualifications in emergency care and autonomous practice and also takes a special interest in long term conditions such as diabetes and asthma.
Dave is very skilled in history taking and physical assessment as part of his role in primary care , this then allows for a safer delivery of care for those seeking recovery from addiction where their physical health needs are also a concern.
In addition to all of the above Dave has worked at a more strategic level in his previous roles as Head of Healthcare in Offender Health settings. Here he was able to demonstrate significant leadership skills as well as offer strategic oversight and corporate delivery of services. Impressively these services matched and at times surpassed the required standards of the care quality commission.
Qualifications: Nurse Practitioner BSc (Hons) First class, Dip HE (Ad Nsg), RCGP: Certificate in the Management of drug misuse Part 2.