Dr Simone Yule

BSc (Hons), MB BCh, DRCOG, Dip RCGP Pt 2 Substance Misuse
Medical Director

Dr Simone Yule studied at The University of Wales College of Medicine and graduated in 1991 with a BSc in Biochemistry and an MB BCh. in Medicine. She has been a GP partner in North Dorset since 1996 and has provided holistic health care to her patients ever since.

Simone was part of the first student cohort to be awarded the RCGP Diploma part 2 in Substance Misuse, having developed an interest in the treatment and supportive management of patients struggling with addiction whilst in practice. She was fortunate to train with Dr Gordon Morse, before taking on the Clinical Lead role for Action on Addiction, and Medical Consultant at Clouds House, a residential treatment centre in Wiltshire.

Simone gained a wealth of experience as the Clinical lead for Action on Addiction and also as the deputy clinical lead for Turning Point. She has over seen the medical treatment programme at Clouds House for 15 years, as well as being involved in clinical leadership and oversight for the organisation.

Other professional roles include the Clinical Director for The Vale (BVP) PCN, board member of the Dorset GP Alliance and the Dorset Integrated Care Partnership and is a NHSE clinical adviser on Population Health Management.

Simone is dedicated and passionate about holistic care, wellbeing, recovery, and long-term empowerment. As part of the BWR synergy health team she is very glad to be here to offer help to anyone struggling with the challenges of modern-day life.

Qualifications: BSc Biochemistry, MB BCh Medicine, Diploma RCGP pt 2 Substance Misuse, Dip RCO&G, Dip FP, Dip Social Sciences Leading for Change.