Nicky Holdaway
Nicky has been a registered nurse for over 30 years . She trained in mental health in Central London and Surrey and worked at the Maudsley Hospital after qualifying. Nicky gained a wide variety of nursing and managerial experience, including as a Director of Mental Health services in West London, before joining Action on Addiction at Clouds House in 2016, initially as the Registered Manager and then as the Director of Operations and CQC Nominated Individual.
Nicky has many years experience in the assessment and treatment of mental health and addictions and has extensive knowledge of service provision in the UK having worked in the NHS and charity sector. She has held managerial posts in a variety of organisations and has wide experience of CQC regulatory compliance, safeguarding, risk management, quality, and corporate and clinical governance.
Nicky has a particular interest in compassionate leadership. She is committed to the provision of high quality services for people with addiction.